Previous lucid dreams.
June 26, 2006
I looked around and saw that I was in my school. And I saw that I was naked. I thought "what? At school naked? No way. I must be dreaming". At this point I walked forward for a second. And then remembered to look around and see how clearly I could see things. I looked at the floor and it was so clear. I was amazed. I thought that it felt really real. Well I looked at the tiles on the floor and could see them very crisply. It then all started to fade. I tried to quickly look at my hands to increase my lucidity (as a friend had suggested). But I couldn't see them. Then I had a false awakening. Wrote it all down. Had another quick dream then woke up, and wrote it all down for real.
July 5, 2006
I was explaining to someone how I thought dreams work. This was a very vivid dream. And then I chuckled and did a half assed reality check in front of the person I was talking to. And to my amazement I could breath when I plugged my nose. At this point, the vivid dream got very blurry. I rushed off, walking down the street, in a daze. It was like everything was rushing past me at such a fast pace. Like a wind going past. I screamed "increase lucidity" but I didn't get any more lucid. I then ran around. Down the street. Then I woke up.
July 9, 2006
I was sitting in my bed after "waking up" my sister walked past. From her room down the stairs. This triggered something that told me to do a reality check. Maybe she said something about dreams but I can't remember. Anyways I plugged my nose and I could breath. At this point I turned and sat on the edge of my bed. I looked at my hand. Then I walked over to my dresser. This was the end of the dream. This dream was more realistic than real life. I could see the sun shining in from my sisters window. My entire bed was basking in sunlight that was more golden yellow than I have ever seen in my waking life. This is probably the most beautiful dream I have ever had.
August 14, 2006
I was sitting in some room. On the floor with a bunch of kids. My friend Leah was there. The leader of the group (he was about 12 years old) said that we were now going to attempt to awaken in the dreamscape. So I tried it. I did a reality check. I was thinking "pchht I already know how to do that".... and to my surprise I was dreaming!I started to get really excited. Then I thought... stay calm... its a dream. It was so realistic. As real as normal life. Saw a table. I ran towards it and I put one palm down on the table and did a running jump over the table. I added a bit of a boost for fun. I was happy that I had successfully flown. I decided to go outside. The sun was shining. It was as vivid as life. At this point I think I entered the library. I tried to fly up to the ceiling since I was dreaming. It didn't work to well. So I closed my eyes and jumped. When I opened them I had jumped up to the ceiling. I got bored with this. I began to walk around and then I realized that there was waste deep water in the library. I began splashing people. I splashed the librarian. As well as some old men. They all got offended. But I was having fun. I then began doing other things and lost lucidity.
September 11
I was on my bike riding up a street the branches off my street. It is a dead end street. I realized I was dreaming by doing a reality check. I had to check twice, plugging my nose and breathing. First I looked at my right hand. It was so intricate. It had lines and I could see the entire Crystal clear hand. I had to force myself to stay calm. I now decided to go cause some mayhem, I decided that I would walk down to the house that was on flamingo. I said, "I'm dreaming" over and over again. I walked down there and tried unsuccessfully to transport. When I got there I tried to go inside. I smashed the front glass on the door and it broke. To my dismay my mom and aunt (Inga) were inside. I wanted to trash the place...and did to some extent but couldn't fully destroy the house because my mom was there. I threw some glass vases stuff off the counter. And they broke. So then I left... because mom was getting all freshet out. On the driveway (underneath a little roof like a garage with no walls) I decided to go down on my knees and look at my palm. It was crazy, it was so realistic. I could see the lines and everything. I then used my hand and shot myself because friend had asked me (in real life) to kill myself in a dream. Everything just went black and I woke up again after 5 seconds. I was in the same place and I did an nose RC because I was a bit frazzled and realized I was still dreaming. I now walked up somewhere, its a bit hazy, I forget how I got here but I was at camp. Opa was in a cabin, and I was walking by and he wanted to spend time with me. I said I was rather busy but I guess I can do some stuff with him. We walked around or something. And he asked if I wanted to go skating in his rink. Now the dream begins to get really crazy. I went ice skating inside Opa's cabin, with two random girls. One girl was normal size but only about 6 years old. And the other was very tiny. She was probably a few inches tall. She was lowered into the rink on these weird little ice skates. She skated around all joyful. And then the other girl was talking about a prom dress or something. I don't even remember myself being there for this. I was third person watching type thing. After this Opa wanted to watch TV. I was getting frustrated, but agreed to watch TV with him and the girls. We watched some weird show I cant remember what it was. And then I went outside saying I would be back later. I was now relieved that I could go explore my dream. I stood there and let the wind rush past me. I looked around and it was night time. I was basically standing on the porch of a cabin in the place where a row cabin should have been at camp. After enjoying the crispness of this dream I walked down to my left. I walked down the row of cabins to my left. Stephan and his wife had a cabin there as well and I wanted to be reckless so I punched the door. It broke and was curved in and all that. They now insisted that I come eat with them. I told Stephan I would pay for the door. I said 5 no maybe 20 dollars. He said more like 20. I then sat down at their table. And looked at the spots. I was sitting in the wrong spot. There were three plates set up, but only one empty spot. I was sitting in the empty spot. I moved to another spot. I decided to leave at this point. And I was walking outside again to the left of the cabin I was in. For some reason I was wearing a biking helmet. A huge motorbike helmet like the pros wear. I flipped the visor up because it was night. But instead of flipping up normally it flipped in the centre. So it was now pointing half in to the helmet and half out. It hit my eyes and nose. This was irritating. At this point the dream started to fade and I woke up. This whole dream lasted what seemed to be 2 hours.
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