Jared's Dreams

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Attempt #1

I tried to accomplish my lucid task of transporting, snowboarding, and flying. I failed miserably. I was walking down the halls in some random school and I was lucid. I can't remember how I got lucid... but I was. I tried to spin and close my eyes visualizing my mountain destination. I couldn't pull it off.

Reasons for failure.

1) In hindsight I didn't have a lot of control. I was aware that I was dreaming, but I wasn't fully there.

2) I may have actually been successful and just forgotten that I succeeded. I had this dream at the beginning of the night. I remember a long non lucid dream after this one. So that causes the first dream to be a bit fuzzy considering that I didn't wake up between the lucid and the non lucid dream.

I will try again next time. I think I'm going to try and make the dream more vivid next time before I try to accomplish my goal.


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