Jared's Dreams

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Me and my mother were driving down a highway when I decided to do a reality check. I plugged my nose and tried to breath and to my surprise (well actually its becoming less and less of a surprise the more often I go lucid) I was dreaming. First off I calmed myself telling myself to relax. Then I remembered the lucid task that I had been wanting to attempt. So I said, "Hey mom! Am I dreaming?". In an irritated she replied saying "OF COURSE YOU ARE NOT DREAMING" And sort of stared me down. Well at this point I was like, haha whatever. And I flew out the window, my mom screaming all the while. Now from this point on I am not sure how it went, I had a bit of a hazy recollection due to the fact that I woke up in the morning and went back to bed rather than instantly writing down the dream.


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